Friday, December 27, 2019

New findings add twist to screen time limit debate

New findings add twist to screen time limit debateNew findings add twist to screen time limit debateMany parents want to know how much time their kids should be spending in front of screens, whether its their smartphones, tablets or TV.For years, the American Academy of Pediatrics had suggested a limit of two hours a day of TV for children and teens.But after screen time started to include phones and tablets, these guidelines needed an update. So brde year, the American Academy of Pediatrics changed its recommendations No mora than one hour of screen time for children ages 2 to 5 for older children and teens, they caution against too much screen time, but theres no specific time limit.This may give the impression that preschoolers are the only ones who need specific limits on screen time, with monitoring less important for older children and teens. Then a study came out last year suggesting that the imperative to monitor screen time for preschoolers may be overblown.However new resea rch conducted by me and my co-author Keith Campbell challenges the idea that vague directives and loose guidelines are the best approach.Not only does this study suggest that specific time limits on screen time are justified for preschoolers, it also makes the case for screen time limits for school-age children and teens.In fact, these older kids and teens may be even more vulnerable to excessive screen time.A study muddies the watersSeveral studies have found that children and teens who spend more time with screens are less happy, more depressed, and more likely to be overweight.But a study released last year muddied the waters. Using a a large national survey conducted from 2011 to 2012, it found little association between screen time and well-being among preschoolers.This led some to conclude that screen time limits werent important.Maybe youre being too strict with your kids screen time, suggested one headline.However, this analysis examined just four items measuring well-being how often the child was affectionate, smiled or laughed, showed curiosity and showed resilience characteristics that might describe the vast majority of preschool children. This study also didnt include school-age children or teens.Diving into a more detailed data setFortunately, a version of that large survey conducted in 2016 by the U.S. Census Bureau included 19 different measures of well-being for children up to age 17, giving researchers a more comprehensive view of well-being across a range of age groups.In our newly released paper using this expanded survey, we found that children and teens who spent more time on screens scored lower in well-being across 18 of these 19 indicators.After one hour a day of use, children and teens who spent more time on screens were lower in psychological well-being They were less curious and more easily distracted, and had a more difficult time making friends, managing their anger and finishing tasks.Teens who spent an excessive amount of time on screens were twice as likely to have been diagnosed with anxiety or depression.Thats a problem, because this generation of teens, whom I call iGen, spends an extraordinary amount of time on screens up to nine hours a day on average and are also more likely to suffer from depression.In fact, we found that excessive screen time had stronger links to lower well-being for teens than it did for younger kids.That might be because children spend more of their screen time watching TV shows and videos. This kind of screen use is not as strongly linked to low well-being as the social media, electronic games and smartphones used more often by teens.These results suggest that it is teens not young children who may be fruchtwein in need of screen time limits.The case for clear guidelinesThis research is correlational. In other words, it isnt clear whether more screen time leads to depression and anxiety, or that someone whos depressed or anxious is more likely to spend more time in front of screens.Either way, excessive screen time is a potential red flag for anxiety, depression and attention issues among children and teens.If we even suspect that more screen time is linked to depression and lower well-being as several longitudinal studies find it makes sense to talk about limits.Right now, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that the screen time of older kids and teens shouldnt come at the expense of sleep, extracurricular activities and schoolwork. Parents should add up the amount of time teens spend on these other activities, they say, and whatevers left could be spent in front of screens.This suggestion is problematic for several reasons.First, how can a parent be expected, each day, to calculate how many hours their kid spends on these activities? What about shifting schedules and weekends?Second, it places few limits on teens who dont spend much time on homework or activities, and could even motivate kids to drop activities if they figure it could mean more allotted time for, say, playing video games.Even if sleep isnt affected and homework is done, its probably safe to say that playing Fortnite for eight hours a day or scrolling through social media feeds during every free moment probably isnt healthy.Parents need clear advice, and specific screen time limits are the most straightforward way to provide it.The research on well-being, including this new study, points to a limit of about two hours a day of leisure screen time, not counting time spent on schoolwork.In my view, The American Academy of Pediatrics should expand its recommendation of screen time limits to school-age children and teens, making it clear that two hours a day is a guideline with flexibility for special circumstances. Some parents may want to set a limit of one hour, but two hours seems more realistic as an overall guideline given teens current use.Two hours a day also allows for many of the benefits of screen time for kids and teens making plans with f riends, watching educational videos and keeping in touch with family without displacing time for other activities that provide a boost to well-being, like sleep, face-to-face social interaction and exercise.Technology is here to stay. But parents dont have to let it dominate their kids lives.Jean Twenge, Professor of Psychology, San Diego State UniversityThis article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Strategies to Improve Your Payroll Staffing

Strategies to Improve Your Payroll StaffingStrategies to Improve Your Payroll StaffingIts a hot job market now for accounting and finance professionals. This is great news if youre job-hunting - but not so great if youre responsible for payroll staffing.The Robert Half Salary Guide for Accounting and Finance Professionals highlights payroll as one of next years in-demand areas. In particular, organizations seek experienced payroll managers, especially ones who have their CPP (Certified Payroll Professional). With plentiful job openings but not enough skilled payroll candidates, whats a hiring manager to do?Here are six ways to refine your recruiting strategies so you can take your payroll staffing to a higher level to attract and hire the professionals your company needs1. Know what skills you need in this roleUnless you plan to provide training, youre probably looking for someone with competencies in data entry, payroll processing software and systems. Excel expertise is in demand, and in some areas, multi-state and international payroll processing experience is a must.As Carlie Boese, an Accountemps branch manager, points out, payroll clerks and payroll managers must also possess the right soft skills, such as theseCustomer service - Payroll is one of the most thankless jobs out there. No one goes to the payroll department on pay day and thanks them for their check. They only hear about it if something goes wrongA solutions-oriented approach - When there is a problem or a complaint, you need someone with the right attitude who can take that issue and think, What can I do to solve this?Dependability and attention to detail - Payroll is a deadline-driven position that affects their coworkers livelihood, so error rates must be low.2. Offer above-average salariesIf youre having trouble recruiting skilled payroll professionals, the problem may lie with the wages. Compare what youre offering with the latest local averages, which you can find using the Salary Gu ide and our Salary Calculator.Lets say youre a manager in Las Vegas and need to hire a payroll supervisor. The salary midpoint for that role is $71,000. A candidate with less-than-typical experience may be willing to accept less than that, but not someone with a rich work history, CPP credential and stellar technical abilities. 3. Sweeten the deal with extrasMoney is not always the most important factor to a payroll job seeker, says Dora Onyschak, Robert Half metro market manager and vice president.Find out what is important to your top candidate, she suggests. Is it a flexible work schedule? An easygoing work culture? Extra time off? The ability to work from home? There are many nonmonetary benefits that an organization can offer to overcome not offering top dollar.Many payroll functions today are accessible via cloud-based platforms, which means staff dont need to be physically in the office 100 percent of the time. The more flexible your company can be with scheduling and work locations, the more job seekers will be tempted to say yes to your job offer and keep their motivation in the workplace.Also consider your overall compensation package. The typical insurance package - medical, dental, vision, life, disability - and retirement plan are the minimum. Can you offer more? Some companies are getting imaginative with benefits, ranging from pet insurance to sabbaticals.4. Search from multiple frontsCourtney Angelo, Accountemps senior staffing executive, says she recommends a variety of recruiting tactics to find qualified candidates, from posting job openings verbunden to broadening your network of referrals. As Angelo suggests, Good people know good people.Other strategies shes used? Take advantage of your companys social media outlets, like Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, to maximize your employer brand, advertise job openings and form relationships with potential candidates.Al so, go passive. Many top-notch payroll professionals arent actively looking to move on but would be interested in finding out more about cool opportunities. To find these passive candidates, step up your networking efforts at seminars and professional conferences.You might even try recruiting from within. Who better to serve as your next payroll manager than your sharp payroll clerk? When you promote existing staff, you save significant time and resources otherwise spent on recruiting and training. Youre also creating an environment where excellence and hard work are rewarded, which boosts morale.5. Move faster with payroll staffingMost employers take their time when deciding who to bring onboard. After all, hiring the right people is important when the cost of a bad hire is high. But if you wait too long, your first choice may lose interest and accept another job offer.In Phoenix, where Angelo works, unemployment is at its lowest in 10 years, with job creation at its highest. Its n ot unusual for top talent to get multiple job offers, so she warns, Employers will lose out on top candidates if they drag their feet.One solution is to streamline the hiring process. Keep the committee on the small side so youll have fewer calendars to coordinate. Try to schedule all interviews over one or two days, using video conferencing if necessary, and then make a decision quickly. And rather than checking references and backgrounds before making a formal job offer, flip it around Make the offer contingent upon satisfactory checks.6. Use temporary professionalsYou need a new payroll clerk or manager either because someone has left or the company is growing. Either way, as long as that vacancy remains unfilled, existing employees have to pick up the slack. Taking on extra duties can lead to stress and wear down an otherwise-productive team.An interim payroll specialist can help you get through a rough patch. Another option is to bring in someone with a temp-to-hire strategy. T hat way, you can quickly fill a vacancy without having to invest much in the way of time or effort. If the payroll worker proves to be an invaluable addition to your team, with the right skill set and the right fit, you can quickly offer a full-time position.Its a candidate market for accounting and finance professionals, especially when it comes to skilled payroll clerks and managers. So scrutinize your recruiting strategies, revamp them if necessary, and start landing the workers you need.Looking for temporary help in payroll to move your business forward? We can help.1.855.432.0924

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Top 5 Career Resolutions And Tips On How to Achieve Them in 2018

Top 5 Career beschlusss And Tips On How to Achieve Them in 2018Top 5 Career Resolutions And Tips On How to Achieve Them in 2018Do you want to get promoted this year? Are you looking to get a new job? Do you want to improve at what you do? If the answer is yes, then youve probably made a number of career resolutions this week.New Year is considered a time for rebirth and renewal. Dont forget about your professional life when setting goals for the upcoming year.Most people know what their goals are, but dont know how to actually achieve them. Weve singled out 5 of the most popular career resolutions to help you make this year more successful than ever.Resolution 1 I want to expand my skills.By the end of 2018, well find ourselves yet one step closer to automation of many jobs. Stay on top of the changing job market by developing new skills and learning more about different fields.Theres plenty of useful resources online, making learning easy and accessible. All you have to do is to com mit a few minutes a day.Online classesfromUdemy, CreativeLive, General Assembly, oredX.Podcasts are a perfect way to gain access to speakers on a variety of topics, listen to discussions or commentaries on current issues. Check out the Muses list of 6 best career-boosting podcasts.Resolution 2 I want to finally abflug networking.As you already know, if you want to work your way up the ladder, or simply findnew opportunities, its vital to network.Dont postpone it any further. The next time you attend a conference, gather the courage and approach new people.The truth is, networking seems harder than it actually is. Start by following these5 useful networking tips.Sure, networking may be awkward at first, but its an effective way to take your career further by establishing a large network of professional connections.Resolution 3 I want to get more work done.We often ourselves up for not doing enough work. We want to always do our best and do more but somehow struggle to work to our max imum potential.Or perhaps, you might feel like youre not in control of your job. The tasks always pile up on your desk until they overwhelm you.Whichever is the case, try to establish a few simple rules to boost your efficiency and manage your workload with a clear head.1. Schedule your timeIf you dont stay on top of your tasks, youll soon become enslaved to them.Whether you prefer a printed planner or apps such as Focuslistor Todoist, make sure you have a detailed to-do list always on hand.2. Dont postpone any tasks If you can complete a task in 5 minutes, do it right away. Whether its an email, phone call, or just looking something up.In the words of Shia La Beouf Just do it. Get simple tasks out of the way as soon as possible so you can then dive into more important things.3. Focus on your work Set a part of the day for uninterrupted deep-focus work. To improve your focus, try the Pomodoro technique with one of theseeasy-to-use apps.Resolution 4 Ill take more time to relax.It may sound counter-intuitive, but if you want to progress in your career, you need to learn how to relax.People commonly complain about lack of free time. But in fact, many of us do have enough time to wind down, but they dont use this time efficiently.To relax efficiently involves taking a moment to reset your brain, recharge your batteries, and reserve a few minutes for reflection.Make it your goal for 2018 to find the perfect way for you to relax. What are the activities that make you forget about the world?Whatever it is that you find most relaxing, incorporate some time to think about your job, your immediate and future goals, and write down your ideas.To make sure you get some time for yourself every day, apps like Mindfulness or Noisli can help you incorporate more zen into your life.Resolution 5 Ill make a fresh start.Although you still have a few days of holiday ahead of you, you might already dread going back to work.If your career resolutions revolve around making a fresh sta rt, dont ignore the signs that are telling you its time to quit.Quitting a job is always a big decision. Plan your next steps carefully.If youre looking to change jobs this year, you might want to give your resume a quick makeover. Update your resume with these 10 practical tips for resume writing in 2018.What New Year career resolutions are you making this year? Let us know in the comments below.SaveSaveSaveSaveShare Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments

Thursday, December 12, 2019

7 tips on how to build the life you want, from a time management expert

7 tips on how to build the life you want, from a time management expert7 tips on how to build the life you want, from a time management expertIf you ask someone how theyre doing, chances are theyll say that theyve been busy. But being busy (or mora to the point,thinkingthat youre busy) can prevent you from prioritizing what you really need in order to build the life that you want. In aTED Talk, How to Gain Control of Your Free Time, time management expert Laura Vanderkam offers tips on how to better manage your time, and why you really have a whole lot more time than you might think.Prioritize your prioritiesVanderkam advises making a three-category priority list comprised ofcareer, relationships, and self. Your goal should be to ensure that youre properly taking care of all three categories in order to live a well-balanced life. Knowing that you need to tend to your career, your relationships, and yourself reminds us that tzu siche should be something in all three categories, says V anderkam. Otherwise, its easy to allow one area (such as career) to take over other equally important aspects of your life, like your relationships or self-care.Stop wasting timeIts easy tolose track of time when youre scrolling through your social media channels. Thing is, what started off as a quick Facebook abfertigung could quickly elapse into an hour- or more. Those precious moments can be better spent on things that might be more important to you, though, such as working on that novel that youve always wanted to write or taking the time to work on your resume and cover letter. If you think that youre not online all that much, try timing yourself- most likely youll be shocked athow much time youre actually wasting.Plan aheadIn order to figure out what youd like to accomplish, Vanderkam suggests pretending that its the end of next year. Reflect on three to five things you did during the year that made it wonderful. This exercise should include both professional and personal goal s. Maybe yousee yourself in a remote job that you love, spending more time with your children, losing weight, or going back to school to finish that degree. Whatever it is, think about what would make you happy and feel accomplished.Those answers will become your goals and help you shape your priorities for next year.Break it down.Its all fine and good to have big, lofty dreams, but dreams without goals are just dreams. And since big-picture priorities can be overwhelming (and perhaps cause you to quit before youve actually begun), youll need tobreak down your priorities into easy-to-digest, actionable steps. Youll be more likely to achieve your goals since youll see results faster, which can motivate you to conquer the next challenge.Optimize your Friday afternoonsThe best time to schedule in your priorities, claims Vanderkam, isFriday afternoons. Its a time when you can assess what you did (and didnt) get done during the week. Then you create your calendar for the following week a ccordingly, adding in the things that canhelp you attain your goals. Thinking through your week- before youre already in it- can help you keep perspective and get it all done.Appreciate timeSo often, all were doing is running, and not really enjoying our time. But as Vanderkam points out, We dont build the times we want by saving time. We build the lives we want, and then time saves itself. She claims that time is highly elastic and that while we cannot manufacture more time, it will stretch to accommodate what we choose to put into it. That meansbeing mindful of how you spend your time and eliminating anything that doesnt align with what you really wantto accomplish with your life.Maximize the momentsThere are 168 hours in a week. If you work 40 hours weekly, and sleep roughly eight hours a night, that stillleaves you with about 72 hours in the week to build the life you want. In that time, you canfind time for what matters to you, says Vanderkam. And even if you are working more t han a full-time job and have a side hustle, too, youstillhave extra time to make things happen, even if it might take you a little longer to get there. As Vanderkam points out We dont need that much time to do amazing things, says Vanderkam. Small moments can have great power.As Vanderkam points out at the end of her TED Talk There is time. Even if we are busy,we have time for what matters. When we focus on what matters, we can build the lives we want, in the time weve got.This article was originally posted on FlexJobs.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Tried and True Method for Security Clearance on Resume in Step by Step Detail

The Tried and True Method for Security Clearance on Resume in Step by Step Detail What is Truly Going on with Security Clearance on Resume Click the Create Contact Request button to make the contact request you would like to send to the candidates. This is achieved using a Contact Request. NBC News couldnt reach Kline for comment. You will have to pass more than merely a normal background check. With certain limited exceptions, a partie must hold a security clearance so as to get access to classified materials. The federal agencies designate the particular heights of security clearances that are at par with the degree of responsibility entrusted to the position. A global evaluation of your own personal conditions, for example, risk they may pose in regard to the duties to be performed, would have to be completed before a last determination could be made. Rather, a security clearance usually means an individual is qualified for access. It is suggested that you review the en tire position requirements before you apply to make certain that you are prepared for what is to come. If you dont observe the position that you want to apply for below, its encouraged that you use USAJOBSs built in search. While not all positions require this process, its normal for opportunities to require no less than a simple level clearance. For instance, a non-sensitive position doesnt have any influence on the national security. To begin with, the contractor must decide whether the employee requires access to classified information to be able to execute the duties of their position. All employees have to get a Reliability Status clearance by means of a screening that assesses a persons risk to the organization itself. A security guard normally has a number of roles they play, based on the position, and thats why you have to tailor you objective to the work description that the employer publishes. Homeland security jobs are associated with computer modeling and analysis of the countrys at-risk energy infrastructures, to predict the effect of fhigkeit terrorist-related disasters. Understanding Security Clearance on Resume Many employers wish to learn your eligibility up front, as theyre not well prepared to sponsor those wholl take a visa as a way to do the work legally. Once an individual is experiencing the process for clearance, it may take as much as a year in front of a determination is made. You obtain a job offer to initiate a new career with the IC If you own a work offer from at least one of these agencies, they are going to tell you where to submit your forms and documents. It isnt possible to understand what impact theyll have on timeliness for the near future. Your objective should highlight your career objectives and summarize the benefits you mean to bring to the job, which would cause you to be a perfect candidate. The work market for security guards is open to a number of applicants as theres a demand for guards in nearly every establishment, which makes it necessary your objective statement gets you noticed immediately. The goal of these interviews is to ascertain whether youre honest, trustworthy, level-headed and loyal to america. Many people believe they can visit an organization or agency and apply for their own security clearance. Nearly all people dont have anything to hide from a screening. But it can be reinstated within a couple of years, based on the conditions. Others might take a year or more. The capacity of Government agencies to meet up with the IRTPA requirements is largely related to funding. Some jobs take a security clearance. For many work in the government sector, you will require a security clearance. Be sure to get familiar with specific requirements and timelines for certain agencies and positions. Besides the background check, youre going to be requested to take part in psychological testing and a polygraph. The process to get a security clearance has to be initiated by a sponsoring federal agency. The genuine training and certifications help you acquire the job. If your clearance demands a polygraph or drug test, you must be ready to schliff these steps. You might also be requested to take part in a polygraph, medical or other testing and associated interviews. TS and SCI clearances demand a considerable investment of time, which means you should think about whether you satisfy the minimum eligibility requirements before you begin your application practice.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Do What Makes You Happy

Do What Makes You Happy Theres never a reason to feel stuck. Change is always possible. But before considering a career switch, its important to understand what makes you happy at your core. You dont want to find yourself in a situation where the only thing thats changed about your job is the location when your job satisfaction depends on much more than your commute.Take the time to do some real self-exploration. Dig intoYour MotivationsWhen you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Money aside, what could you see yourself doing that would make you happy? Make a list of the jobs that come to mind. Look for any commonalities between them in terms of general skills required that may align with your strengths.Your Natural TalentsYou know what youre good at. You know where you excel, what you enjoy doing, and what makes you feel most appreciated at work. You will be more engaged in a job that puts your talents to good use, so tally up how many job responsibilities currently allow you to apply these skills.Your ValuesDo you appreciate the ability to work independently, or do you value teamwork more? Do you prefer to consistently learn new skills, or do you like having the opportunity to really fine-tune one skill in particular? Is feeling like youre helping others or contributing to a cause of importance?Having a clear understanding of what will provide you with long-term fulfillment rather than making a change as a short-term solution will make all the difference when it comes to finding workplace happiness.A version of this article originally appeared on theAtrium Staffing blog.Michele Mavi isAtrium Staffings resident career expert.