Thursday, December 12, 2019

7 tips on how to build the life you want, from a time management expert

7 tips on how to build the life you want, from a time management expert7 tips on how to build the life you want, from a time management expertIf you ask someone how theyre doing, chances are theyll say that theyve been busy. But being busy (or mora to the point,thinkingthat youre busy) can prevent you from prioritizing what you really need in order to build the life that you want. In aTED Talk, How to Gain Control of Your Free Time, time management expert Laura Vanderkam offers tips on how to better manage your time, and why you really have a whole lot more time than you might think.Prioritize your prioritiesVanderkam advises making a three-category priority list comprised ofcareer, relationships, and self. Your goal should be to ensure that youre properly taking care of all three categories in order to live a well-balanced life. Knowing that you need to tend to your career, your relationships, and yourself reminds us that tzu siche should be something in all three categories, says V anderkam. Otherwise, its easy to allow one area (such as career) to take over other equally important aspects of your life, like your relationships or self-care.Stop wasting timeIts easy tolose track of time when youre scrolling through your social media channels. Thing is, what started off as a quick Facebook abfertigung could quickly elapse into an hour- or more. Those precious moments can be better spent on things that might be more important to you, though, such as working on that novel that youve always wanted to write or taking the time to work on your resume and cover letter. If you think that youre not online all that much, try timing yourself- most likely youll be shocked athow much time youre actually wasting.Plan aheadIn order to figure out what youd like to accomplish, Vanderkam suggests pretending that its the end of next year. Reflect on three to five things you did during the year that made it wonderful. This exercise should include both professional and personal goal s. Maybe yousee yourself in a remote job that you love, spending more time with your children, losing weight, or going back to school to finish that degree. Whatever it is, think about what would make you happy and feel accomplished.Those answers will become your goals and help you shape your priorities for next year.Break it down.Its all fine and good to have big, lofty dreams, but dreams without goals are just dreams. And since big-picture priorities can be overwhelming (and perhaps cause you to quit before youve actually begun), youll need tobreak down your priorities into easy-to-digest, actionable steps. Youll be more likely to achieve your goals since youll see results faster, which can motivate you to conquer the next challenge.Optimize your Friday afternoonsThe best time to schedule in your priorities, claims Vanderkam, isFriday afternoons. Its a time when you can assess what you did (and didnt) get done during the week. Then you create your calendar for the following week a ccordingly, adding in the things that canhelp you attain your goals. Thinking through your week- before youre already in it- can help you keep perspective and get it all done.Appreciate timeSo often, all were doing is running, and not really enjoying our time. But as Vanderkam points out, We dont build the times we want by saving time. We build the lives we want, and then time saves itself. She claims that time is highly elastic and that while we cannot manufacture more time, it will stretch to accommodate what we choose to put into it. That meansbeing mindful of how you spend your time and eliminating anything that doesnt align with what you really wantto accomplish with your life.Maximize the momentsThere are 168 hours in a week. If you work 40 hours weekly, and sleep roughly eight hours a night, that stillleaves you with about 72 hours in the week to build the life you want. In that time, you canfind time for what matters to you, says Vanderkam. And even if you are working more t han a full-time job and have a side hustle, too, youstillhave extra time to make things happen, even if it might take you a little longer to get there. As Vanderkam points out We dont need that much time to do amazing things, says Vanderkam. Small moments can have great power.As Vanderkam points out at the end of her TED Talk There is time. Even if we are busy,we have time for what matters. When we focus on what matters, we can build the lives we want, in the time weve got.This article was originally posted on FlexJobs.

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